Guide to PrescriptionsUpdated 3 months ago
I have a prescription, can I get a Prescription Mask?
We hear this question a lot here at Mike's Dive Store and the short answer is in most cases yes you can!
But, there are a couple of options and it's important to understand that your individual prescription does affect what options are available to you and in turn what we can provide for you.
I'm not sure what the numbers on my prescription mean!
Eye Prescriptions can come in a variety of formats and can be quite confusing at first glance, however understanding what your prescription means is the first step into buying a prescription mask!
I need spherical correction only
Excellent! This can be easily corrected, take a look at our range of Prescription Masks and see our Guide to buying a Prescription Mask for more details on this.
I need Bi-Focal correction
Bi-Focal in diving refers to no correction required for distance but a positive dioptre for close up reading. The top part of the lens is without a prescription and a lower section will have your near prescription added.
For the Bifocal/ reading you would need to include your add or near measurements
If your SPH is plus you would add the 'add/near' measurement to find the prescription required for the bifocal.
This can be easily corrected, take a look at our range of Prescription Masks and see our Guide to buying a Prescription Mask for more details on this.
I need varifocal lenses
Varifocal lenses refer to a lens that requires two prescriptions in one lense, ie a negative in the top for distance and a positive in the bottom for reading close-up.
Sadly off-the-shelf lenses do not come in this specification :(
However, you can still get lenses specifically made and fitted to your mask through a company called Dive Sight - We would advise contacting them with your prescription to first get a quote.
We are more than happy to supply the mask directly to Dive Sight if you have arranged this with them already.
I have astigmatism (Axis) of less than 2.00
If your astigmatism (Axis value) is less than 2.00 (Sometimes displayed as 200) then we can still supply lenses to correct for the Spherical value.
However, it is important to note that these lenses do not correct for astigmatism so in some cases they may still be slightly blurry.
I have astigmatism (Axis) greater than 2.00
If your astigmatism (Axis value) is greater than 2.00 (Sometimes displayed as 200) then off the shelf lenses are unlikely to work well for you.